The Cambridge Geek

Love Tyrant
Love Tyrant

Love Tyrant is a pretty good cure for anyone who might have watched too many harem animes (naming no Geeks). Our unlucky everyman has a harem built for him by a Yaoi obsessed "Love Angel", who just happens to resemble a shingami, and has a Kiss Note. Luckily, having your name written in it doesn't confer the kiss of death, but rather the kiss of whoever else is written in it next to you. Which turns out to be about four people in this, due to the slightly scatty nature of our cupid.

While you might not necessarily mind the attentions of a trio of beauties, they become rather less appealing when you discover just how far from the norm they are. While they all fall into the standard categories of "-dere", they're caricatures of the form. So the tsundere tends towards significant violence towards Seiji (the MC), the yandere provides stunning violence towards everyone who gets too close to Seiji, and our psychotic sado-masochist supplies violence to literally everyone. And looks worryingly cheerful doing it.

Thankfully, this doesn't jump too far off the cliff of seriousness, remaining damn silly thus far (about half a season). It's certainly kept my attention, and I'm going to happily finish watching it.


Tagged: Anime Comedy Schooldays Magical girls Harem Crunchyroll Subbed