The Cambridge Geek

The Harri-Parris' Radio Show
The Harri-Parris' Radio Show

Well this was entirely unexpected. Had no idea this even existed. Apparently there are a previous two series of this that I'm going to have to hunt down, given how much I enjoyed this one.

It's a farcical sitcom which follows the (mis-)adventures of a farming family in West Wales, who I assume generally tend to get up to various bits of mayhem. They certainly did this week as they visited a trade fair/fete, organised by the Young Farmers' Club, who get a theme song in style you might expect from that acronym.

It's an absolutely ludicrous affair, with a family constantly embarassing each other, by being pompous, useless or a bit too lustful. (Especially lustful. Stallion innuendoes spurt off all over the place.)

It is very funny, and something I've not seen much of before. I'd love to see more silly settings like this, as they seem to be something the radio does well. BBC Radio Wales in particular has had a few strong offerings recently. A rather hilarious episode. Will be listening to the rest of the episodes with glee.

Highly recommended.

Tagged: Radio Comedy Cast Sitcom Family/Relationships